Omo Yoruba of Southern California is striving to educate, empower, and sustain the richness of the Yoruba culture within and outside of California. Every summer, we have organized multitude of cultural enrichment events in a classroom setting in Southern California. At these events, family members and friends of Yoruba had the chance to network and learn about Yoruba heritage. The younger professional always got invited to share their life experiences as a first generation of Yoruba descent trying to navigate diverse lifestyle in America.
Please click here to donate towards the program.
The cultural exchange program is designed to expand what was learnt during Cultural Enrichment by taking a trip to visit places where Yoruba People predominantly lives so as to experience the beauty, history, and excitement of Yoruba culture on a first-hand basis. For many of the participants, this trip is a once in a lifetime opportunity for them to travel as a way of connecting with their roots.
We are working on a situation to allow Colleges in California to partner with Colleges in Nigeria on a study abroad program. Cultural Exchange Trip is a catalyst for college students who are willing to enrol in a study abroad program in Nigeria.
If you are interested to participate in any of our upcoming trips, please sign up to RSVP

The Yoruba Language School is now opened. We operate classes every Saturday from 10 AM -12 PM. All students are placed at the ENTRY LEVEL 1. However, those who already have a good working knowledge of Yoruba may be placed at an upper level after evaluation. Classes are currently held in Los Angeles. Inland Empire location is coming soon.
If you are interested in learning Yoruba, please sign up here and select location of interest.
Angel Capital Investment is designed to provide startup capital to entrepreneurs among the first generation of Yoruba descent in Southern California. This is to encourage innovative ideas to a multitude of economic opportunities that exist between the US and Nigeria.
Please sign up here if you have an idea to present for funding.