As a community of Yoruba people, we are set on attaining our goals and objectives:


Goals & Objectives
- To establish channels to promote Yoruba culture, economy, political welfare, language, and tradition in Africa and in the Diaspora.
- Foment the economic empowerment of Yoruba community in southern California.
- To teach, maintain and promote knowledge about Yoruba culture and folklore to the young generation of Yoruba descents in Southern California.
- To collaborate and partner with other Yorubas organization around the globe.
- Enhance Yoruba development through project undertaking and implementation
- To help the Yoruba community to maintain stability, equity, justice, and opportunity.
- Bring the young population of Yoruba closer to their roots and culture, encouraging the appreciation and recognition of their heritage through camps, home-based visits, and other educational activities.
- To empower young Yoruba in the academic preparation through the facilitation of scholarships